Meg Vyas

Meg Vyas is the founder of Mindfulness with Meg, a ChildLight Education Company® trainer, and a certified health coach. Mindfulness with Meg is based in the Boston area and works with many populations, like older adults, neurodivergent, and children ages birth to eighteen. The company was founded in 2009 and has touched thousands. Meg currently serves older adults in residential settings, children in schools, and children at a public hospital who are in-patients for mental health. In all areas, Meg works extensively with clients, educators, parents, and children promoting character education, nutrition, movement, and mindfulness to help fill their wellness toolbox. In addition to being a registered adult and child yoga teacher through Yoga Alliance, Meg has studied MBSR in Mind-Body Medicine with Jon Kabat-Zinn and is also a certified health coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Meg has presented at several conferences: New Hampshire’s National Education Association (NEA-NH), New Hampshire School Counselor Association Conference (NHSCA), New Hampshire Library Association Conference and a three-time speaker at the National Kids Yoga Conference in Washington D.C. Meg holds a BA from Middlebury College and a Master in Library and Information Science from Simmons College. Meg’s teaching style is playful and interactive. Her motto is: “What we practice grows stronger. Let’s dive deep into yoga and mindfulness so that we can ride the waves of life.”

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