Navigating Our New Normal: A Parenting Series

Our lives have shifted dramatically in the last couple of months.  Even as we begin to phase into reopening parks, businesses, and restaurants, our lives aren’t going back to the way that they were anytime soon. While we believe that all parents are doing their best, even the most patient, well-informed among us have been finding themselves struggling. Not all of us have advanced degrees in child development and decades worth of experience to draw from during these challenging times when we are spending all our time together. We’re here to help!

Join us for a series of conversations, articles, and resources from parenting experts, child development professors, and yoga & mindfulness master teachers focused around helping our kids navigate through big feelings and our “new normal.” 

We’re going to tackle the following topics with our beloved experts:

Since we are sure to be in close quarters for a while longer, let’s see if we can move forward mindfully to help our kids manage the tough stuff and celebrate what really matters.

Christyn Schroeder