Meditation and Mindfulness


Join the dynamic duo of Children's Mindfulness Experts, Checka Antifonario, and KidPowerment Founder Christyn Schroeder as they demystify mindfulness and meditation for children ages 3-18.



* the yogic definition of both mindfulness and meditation, as well as the science behind how these practices impact the brain and the nervous system

* special considerations to take when teaching children, including special needs and trauma sensitive approaches, that take into consideration the communities that you are teaching and the developmental milestones the children are experiencing



* many styles of meditation,

* varied approaches to mindfulness to reach children of all learning styles

* meditation and mindfulness practices to "refill your cup" as a teacher



* your very own guided meditation/ visualization for different age groups and populations

* unique mindful moments to bring into your classroom or home right away


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Katie Corcoran