Mindful Moments on Vacation

July is almost over but that doesn't mean the summer is almost over! Many families have big vacations coming up in August! While vacations are a fun time spent with family and friends they can often have moments of tears and/or tantrums (for children and parents alike)
Mindfulness exercises are helpful in those "meltdown" situations. Children can regain some sense of control in their lives when they stop and try to focus on the present.
If you are looking to incorporate some mindfulness practices into your family's time away, remember that for children the senses are a good way to ground themselves in mindfulness.
Ask them what they smell at the beach. Have them tell you what it feels like to swim in the lake. Ask them to close their eyes and tell you what they hear at the amusement park. Because our vacations are usually in destinations that are different from home, children will really be able to experience new sensory inputs and it will really ground them into the present moment.

Christyn Schroeder